How to Paint a Cylinder Using Neutral Color (Watercolor Paining Tutorial)

How to Paint a Cylinder Using Neutral Color (Watercolor Paining Tutorial)



1. Imagine there's a light source on the left. Figure out the shaded area and paint it.
2. Watercolor painting needs repeated brushstrokes for a deeper tone just like pencil drawing.
3. Make sure that the paper is dry and repeat painting shaded area many times.
4. As you repeat working on the same area, the cylinder gets darker.
5. For lighter areas, use a lot of water.
6. The top side should have the lightest color so use the most water.
 7. To make the lighter and darker area look gradual, paint the mid zone once more.
8. For 3D effect, the edge of the lighter area should look a bit darker.
9. Make sure the lightest area doesn't stand out by painting once more.
10. Work on the darkest area again and to look natural, the mid zone as well.
11. Highlight the darkest area.
12. The other areas should be painted again with deeper tone.
13. Paint the back area of the top side and the cylinder is done.

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